Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mild cleansing today!

Last night I decided I wanted to do a mild cleanse today. Over the past few days I was feeling bloated and constipated so what better time than now! I took 2 Advanced formula Fat Fighters with Carb inhibitors with dinner last night and before I went to bed I took 2 Regular. This morning I woke up and had some coffee (I'm a mom of 3 who NEEDS her coffee!) and did Yoga with a few friends. After Yoga I weighed myself in at 144.5 lbs. I began drinking my first bottle of Greens  and took 2 It's Vital and went about the rest of my morning. For lunch I had a second bottle of Greens and decided to weigh myself again. I'm happy to announce that I'm only half way through my 24 hour cleanse and down 3 pounds! I'm slightly hungry but feel that I can definitely make it through the rest of the day.Tomorrow, I'll start clean-eating again and continue my Greens. This is my personal pledge to stay healthy during the holidays and to continue to be a product of my products!

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